Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thing #18 Reflections on Learning 2.0 and

When I heard about this program I thought it sounded like a great idea and a fun way to learn about mysterious things like wikis, flickr and feeds. When I breezed through the process of setting up my blog and registering it I became a little smug, but then came the dark days of RSS, when I wanted to hide under the bed until it all went away. With help I finally managed to finish the program and I've now done my 18 things!

I think the course is fantastic, although I struggled at times to find time to do it. On the other hand, if there had been no schedule or deadline I would probably never have got round to exploring so many new technologies and applications. I feel I can speak a bit of digital language now and at least do the basics, and this gives me a bit more confidence on the TIC desk. I will definitely go back and have a better look at some of the things I only had time to skim through. maybe I'll even start my own real blog one day!


The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Congratulations on completing the program. I hope some of these applications will be useful in the library in the future


Anonymous said...

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