Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thing #13 Bigcat on Technology

I've been thinking about technology. I remember seeing an interview with Joseph Campbell who wrote wonderful books about the meaning and significance of mythology and heroes. He commented that at a ripe old age he had started to use computers. The interviewer asked him how it was going and I remeber Joseph Campbell saying computers were like the old gods - if you do somehing like accidentally step on a stick they were completely unforgiving. At the time I knew just what he meant. Sometimes when I try to learn new technolgy or new software I'll do something very minor that creates devastation on the screen. This means it has been good to take part in Learning 2.0 so I can learn new technologies in a safe playground. It takes a bit of patience and a leap of faith that nothing will actually explode if I make a mistake, but the rewards have been worthwhile. I may not yet have become a wiz at anthything new, but I can do the basics and I can speak the language! This is what interests me about technology - how real people feel about it, grapple with it and then learn to love it (or not).

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